Welcome to this slow cooker/crockpot blog. I believe slow cookers are the best thing to happen to modern day cooks. I used mine often when I worked outside the home and continue to do so even in retirement. It is so nice to put food on and forget about it. Slow cookers also allow us to cook many things we would normally have to use the oven for; what a relief in hot Texas weather! Some of these recipes are mine, many are ones I have collected over the years.

Monday, July 1, 2024


2 pkg (10-oz each) frozen chopped broccoli, cooked & drained

1 lb box Mexican Velveeta cheese
1 small can sliced mushrooms, drained
1 can cream of mushroom soup, undiluted
1/2 tsp minced garlic

Combine the cheese, soup, and garlic together in a crockpot or slow cooker.  With cooker on high, heat the ingredients until the cheese melts, stirring frequently to blend.  Add the broccoli and mushrooms; heat until heated through.  Serve directly from cooker, if desired.

Serve with tortilla chips, melba toast or whole grain crackers.

Yields: 20 cups

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